Drug Addiction: Since the Blood of Jesus Cleanses From All Sin, How Can One Claim Christianity Who Still Lives in Sin Without?
Question by Lovin’ Mary’s Lamb: Since the blood of Jesus cleanses from all sin, how can one claim Christianity who still lives in sin without?
change? Drugs, prositution, stealing, lying, fornication, homosexuality and more; there are testimonies of lives being changed completely in these areas of what modern society has destigmatized sin to call “behavioral addictions”, “problems”, “mistakes”. Christians, what does the Bible say about being new creatures in Christ Jesus and… Continue reading
Drug Rehabilitation Effectiveness Since 1968
Drug rehabilitation founder of the Narconon program, speaks candidly about the effectiveness of the1968 Narconon program as more and more graduates of the program led drug free lives, no longer addicted to narcotics. www.narcononrehab.com This was news then and is still news today. Narconon 100% natural drug rehabilitation program
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Can Somebody Explain Why Mexico Would Even Have Drug Rehab Centers Since Mexico Says Its Only a US Problem?
Even for regular families with addicts, drug centers can be ugly places. Parents commit unruly adolescents or even their adult children against their will for months at a time. Beatings are often part of therapy, hygiene can be poor and lax enforcement of regulations prevails.
No one knows how many drug rehabilitation clinics and treatment centers there are. The Mexican government is expanding a series of Nueva Vida rehab centers for teenagers, erected since 2007… Continue reading
Two Weeks Since My Last Confession by Kate Genovese
Two Weeks Since My Last Confession is a novel by Kate Genovese. It is a family saga, featuring the O’Briens from Boston, Massachusetts. On the face of things, the O’Briens are an upstanding pillar of the community. John O’Brien is a politician, a senator no less, and a respected and long term incumbent to boot. Marie, Mrs. O’Brien, is a devout Catholic with five children. She is determined that they should be raised… Continue reading
Lohan Drug Tests Clean Since May
Gunmen massacre 18 partygoers in northern Mexico
PIEDRAS NEGRAS, Mexico — The gunmen did not say a word as they jumped from their cars and stormed the private party. They simply opened fire. When they were done, 18 people were killed. Mexico – United States – Ciudad Juárez – Car bomb – Coahuila
Read more on Washington Post
Officials say gunmen kill 17 at party in Mexico
The gunmen did not say a word as… Continue reading
Lohan Drugs Tests Clean Since May
Lohan: Sentence for probation violation is harsh
Lindsay Lohan’s attorney says she and the actress believe the 90-day jail sentence the actress received earlier this week is harsher than other defendants would have seen under similar circumstances.
Read more on AP via Yahoo! News
Judge sends Lindsay to jail for probation violation
A judge sentenced Lindsay Lohan on Tuesday to 90 days in jail and an inpatient rehab program after finding the actress had violated… Continue reading